Monday, December 1, 2008

Have you earnd This key to Heaven?

We've all just celebrated Thanksgiving with our family members either in person,web cam, or by phone. One thing that bothers me is that we still treat some strangers better than our family (that includes cousins, uncles,aunts, in-laws, etc...). How could we dare go out of our way to please a stranger when we can't help our own family? Whatever it is that hinders you from forgiving that person does nothing but block your blessings. Thing happen, and I'm sure you have done some things in your life that is hard for people to forgive you also. You need to Go and Let Go!
Life is too short to be carrying around baggage from early childhood, unpaid debts, adultery, stolen property, or destruction of character. Its time to grow up and forgive, how can you have complete spiritual growth if you hold such bitterness and animosity in your heart for someone. Loving millions and helping billions doesn't mean anything when you hold such bitterness in your heart for one of God creations.
Look over your past and look at all the sinful things we have done in our past yet God still loves us, He still forgives us, and He still provide for us! We all say we want to be Christ like but can't even start by letting go of the dark moments. Forgiveness is one of your keys to Heaven! Have you earned yours? I love you all and may God continue to bless, reveal, repair, and rejuvenate your mind, heart, and soul!

Your True Diva,

Angela Showers

Matt. 5:44 But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you...

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pure snow said...

True words that hit home, and are a true reminder of what life is really all about..God bless

Unknown said...

Again, another timely message. There is a lot of healing and forgiveness that needs to go on in families.