Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"Dressed and Ready to Go"

Greetings Divas & Gents! I pray that everyone is had a beautiful day yesterday and an even better one today. I'm sorry guys but I have to tell you all about my day yesterday! Very interesting day but I will draw back to the morning message.

As many of you know that I am a Licensed Massage Therapist. Yesterday I was taking the day off and was going to relax all day. I had an appointment to see my Chiropractor (which I happen to work with) at noon. As I was on my way to see my Chiropractor, I was about 10 minutes away from the office when he called and said "Hey Angela are you coming for your appointment today?" I said, "yes doc whats up?" He replied, " One of your hockey players want to schedule an appointment with you right after your session with me. He's hurting really bad can you take this appointment? I know its last minute and you might have to go back and get your things." I immediately thought, I wasn't planning on this today,however, I am prepared because I never go anywhere without my massage supplies!!! so I said, "Of course, I can do it and I will be there shortly." As I pulled up in less than ten minutes, doc looked at me and said, wow Angela did you have to get your supplies and then come back? If so that sure was quick!" (I live 15-20 away from the office to remind you.) I said, Doc I'm always prepared! I never leave home without my supplies, because you never know when duty calls."

I gave you this story because, this morning I came across Luke 12:35-40. It speaks about Jesus warns about preparing for his Homecoming. After reading those scriptures I immediately thought what if I was not ready yesterday? I would have missed out on unexpected money, my most faithful client would have still been in pain, and I would have been upset because I miss out on an opportunity to help someone who really needed my help. You see, when Jesus comes back for you; you need to be dressed and ready to go! He will not continue to wait around to see what decision you are going to make. I advise each of you to be ready to roll at any given moment. You never know when your name is next on the roll call. I love u all. God Bless!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers