Friday, November 28, 2008

So you call yourself a Christian... Then where is your Faith?

So you call yourself a Christian... Then where is your Faith?

I'm just curious why do so many Christians say they believe in the Lord, but just as soon as a storm arrive they begin to worry, have doubt, and stress over things that are out of our control. I just want to know do you think for one moment that God doesn't provide? Where does your Faith go?

Mark 4:37-40 (New International Version)

37A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. 38Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?"

39He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

40He said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"

I don't know about you all but if I have God on my boat and the storm is on the rise I will take my place right beside him and we would ride this storm together!

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Are you in the right business for the right reasons?

Are you in the right business for the right reasons?

Many of us choose jobs because of money, how easy the job is with more pay, or because it sounds good and the say its a quick profit. Yet we start these jobs and struggle or we are unhappy. Why? Maybe that's not your purpose. Did you pray about that job before you decided to take it or sign up for it online? God has given us all talent, a vision, a purpose, a mission, or task. The question is "What are you doing with it?" Stop being concerned what people are going to think of you and just do whatever God has planned for you. Allow God to use you just as he did Moses in Exodus 3:1-14. No matter what your past looks like or your present God will still use you, but are you willing to accept the challenge. Choose your job wisely, don't allow yourself to get caught up in the hype of quick profits. Just stop and ask yourself is this my purpose , is this what God have planned for me? Many of you will ask, "How will I know what is plan his
for me?" Simple, thing will come to you in the wee hours of the night, it will be so heavy on you that thing will come to you at any given moment, you will grow an interest so deep in it that you can't back out of it, and once you humble yourself, pray, and summit to God, his plan will unfold right before your eyes quicker than you have ever imagined. We have allowed others to use us in so many ways that its ridiculous! Now its time for you to allow God to use you. i love you all and take care.

Your True Diva,

Angela Showers

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