Saturday, May 30, 2009

"A Thought for today"

Today is the day that you could possibly save or change someone's life. The question is, Will you step up to the plate and take the challenge.? We all have a job to do and a mission to complete, but many of us are too afraid to get started. Its time for us to be like Nike and "Just Do It!" Its time out for excuses and fear. Tell someone about Christ today! Stop gossiping about others and start spreading the word about what he has done for you. Ask yourself... How many people can I save today just by telling them how Christ has moved in your life? Then, ask yourself... How many people could died today and go to hell because I failed to share with them the word of God?

We are quick to tell people about the latest sale at Macy's. We are quick to tell someone about our business. We are quick to talk about how the economy is doing. When are you going to talk about your experience with God? Tell someone how he brought you through your darkest moments. Share the Good News of how He saves, heal, protect, and provide! May your day be filled with blessings and encouragement. Step up and step out on Faith, however, remember that Faith without work is dead! I love you all. God Bless.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers