Thursday, January 29, 2009


I have been up early this morning waiting to hear something from God. When He did give me the message He gave me one word and it was Prayer! Many of us think we have to pray a certain way but prayer is simple, Prayer is just you holding a conversation with God. If you still don' know what to say simply follow what it says in Matthew 6:5-15. Prayer is a very important habit that we need to form. We walk around too freely like we are i control over everything in our lives. We allow people to dictate what we should do or how our life should be lived. When we just simply need to have a conversation with God and seek his advice. As bad as economy say we are, people are loosing their jobs, getting laid off, loosing their homes, and so on. God gave us all a heart, a mind, and a mouth so use it! Stop taking this to heart when people don't agree with you and your dreams that God has planted inside of you. Use your mind and Stop waiting on your boss to step in and say they have to lay you off,
Everyone needs a back up plan! Use your moth to speak life into yourself, speak success into your life, and speak life into others. I sit here and ask each of you to continue to pray, if you don't pray you need to start. However if you are going to pray Faithlessly I rather you not pray at all... I'm keeping it real. Show God some respect when you pray, Believe that as soon as every word has slipped off your tongue that God has solved the issue! I love you all!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

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