Thursday, February 5, 2009

"Bring your Bricks"

Today message may not be accepted by all because of how man law is today, or how we scramble to make excuses for the decision we choose to be right. God placed it on my heart that it is some marriages in danger right her within the True Divas Community, he also showed me that its some single people on here as well are not doing what they are suppose to be doing either. I'm not here to point fingers or take side I'm just here to deliver a message. God said its time to get back to the basics, Man has upgraded so much they have left God out of the equation. So he told me to give you all 1 Corinthians 7:1-40 and the title is "Instructions on Christian marriage" don't be fooled by the title it gives instructions on being single as well. I advise each of you to read this message and be honest are YOU doing all you can do in your Marriage (no matter what your spouse actions are)? Many marriages/relationships fail because they are not built on solid foundation which is the Truth! Just like your relationship with God, there is no need to lie to him he knows the truth, however, some of us are so bold that we lie so well we convince ourselves with our own lie that we think we can convince God! Lets get it together people, you know what is next on the extinction list....Family Unity! Do your part, bring your bricks (as Armetria would say), and lets build our community one family at a time, starting with yours. I love you all. God Bless!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

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