Wow what a way to start off the New Year, than with the love and support of one another. This is the year of Abundance, Prosperity, Growth, and Freedom! However, I am here to prepare each of you as my Father has asked of me.
Many of us will be Blessed beyond our imagination this year, but there is only one secret! That secret is "If you get the word and just sit on it, that's what it will do to you." The key word and the True secret is Activate!!! When you Activate The Word in our lives on a daily bases that's when all seeds hat we planted begin to sprout and bare fruit! However, as we come into these blessings the devil will be real busy so God gave me this message for all of us today the topic was: "The Armor of God" Ephesians 6: 10-17. I advise all of you to read this passage and prepare yourself for your blessings and how to protect them.
I have to be honest with you...many will start on the path and will not follow through out of fear of change, if that is you don't waste your time just stay off the path until you are fully ready and dedicated because it will NOT be easy. If you are ready... stay focused and keep your eyes on God not matter what jumps out at you, because God made the path, you just have to follower it! I love you all God bless you and have a Beautiful day!
Your True Diva,
Angela Showers
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