Thursday, April 9, 2009

Love Struck

Greetings Divas & Gents,

This very morning I got up so Love Struck! I was just thinking how much I adore and love this man. I was taking a walk down memory lane and remembered how he held my hand and told me things will be ok, how he loved me for no reason, and how he stayed by my side when I needed him the most. Even when I lashed out on him for no reason...he stayed right there and didn't say one word, he just held me and repeated I love you. I would run off for days, even months without speaking to him; but he never stopped loving me and he always took me back in. When I did everything wrong in our relationship, he continued to do Everything right! Many have looked me in my face and said if I was him I would have left you a long time ago. That's when I said ok enough is enough. I can't keep treating this man like this. I can't continue to live this way. That when I became woman enough to go tho this man and say hey I know I have not been the best person, I know I have done so much wrong,however, I never once forgotten about you and I never stopped loving you. I cried and cried and I begged for his forgiveness and that's when I heard him say, " My Child, I've been waiting for you, I never once gave up on you. I have so many plans for you but just know that this road is not easy, nor is it popular. Just follow my lead and you will be truly blessed."
I have to say on 04/02/06 he gave me a new life and I honored that. No matter how tough things get I never look back nor on the sidelines. I just keep my eyes on Christ for I know he has brought me too far to leave me alone. I wrote all this to say two words... TRUST HIM! I love you all, God Bless!

New International Version (NIV)
Proverbs 3:5,6
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers