Greetings Divas & Gents!
Today is another beautiful day that the Lord has blessed us to see. We had an awesome time on the call last night and we shared some amazing updates in all of our lives. We have some people here on the True Diva Network that are really beginning to birth and work in their purpose! We are Super Excited to hear all of the wonderful things that God is doing in each of your lives. Keep the Faith and Stay focused!
I hope that this comes to you in good spirits. Today the message is from James 2 because it covers how we should treat one another, but it also covers what we should do in our faith. We tend to have faith and believe that just asking and believing is enough. Well it isn't. It is great to ask and to believe, but we have to do our part. See just believing it is going to happen won't do. We have to move into action. We have to step forward with that faith and go ahead and let Him lead us. Never fear that you are going to fail or let Him down. He wants us to do these things in our lives. He is telling us and we just have to listen. We have to do our part. So today not only know that it is going to happen. Do something to assist in making it happen. I tell people all the time, I can only do what I can do and give the rest to Him. Do what you can do! Be blessed and I love you all!
Your True Diva,
Angela Showers