Friday, January 16, 2009

1Peter 5:6-11

I pray that everyone is doing well and staying warm. The weather is ridiculously cold and we have so many homeless Peoples and animals out on the streets trying to find a place to sleep that's somewhat warm. My heart ache for those who were not able to get into shelters, so I ask that each of you begin to pray for these people in your prayers today. A great majority of these homeless are children that are in their teens and younger. So please help someone today because if we didn't have God's favor upon our life we would not be here in front of this computer in a warm place.

Today message was given to me from 1Peter 5:6-11. I pray that you read this passage and really stay focused on the journey that God has ahead of you. Keep Feeding your spirit with His Word, and help those who are in need if you are able to, if not keep them in your prayers. I love you all, God Bless!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

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