Greetings Divas,
I come to you this morning full of life, love, and gratitude. For the past few days we been talking about being grateful, and the more I think about the things I am grateful for the more humble I become.
I just wanted to take out the time and let each of you know that I appreciate each and every one of you. I have connected with each of you in a different way. Some of you I talk to on a daily bases, some I've called, some of you have called me, many of you email me, and some of you I have met! Just think as I confessed about a month ago I had issues with building relationships with women due to my past life. I always thought that someone was out to get me. Now look what I have been delivered from... I have over 300 women I can call my sisters! I was delivered from this issue by following God's lead when I created this site. When I stated this site on October 5 of 2008, I had a wall up so high with women that no one could see over. Everyday the Lord worked with me and he allowed me to see that many of you women are just like me. Many of you have been through the same issues I have been through and God opened my eyes and said "these are your Sisters, the only thing different is your names. I made you all the same, you all were made perfect by me. What you do to and for your Sisters you have done to me!" I know you are wondering why I share this story.
Its some of you wondering why you are not being blessed. If you ask that question, I ask you to step outside yourself and look into your life. You have blocked your own blessings. You have not forgiven someone or yourself. You holding a grudge on your kids father, a cousin, your mother, father, grandparent, a ex-boyfriend/husband, old friend, someone who molested you, abused you, broken your heart, and etc... Let Go and Let God. The day I decided to let go and let God he poured more blessings on me that I could bare. If he did it for me he can do it for you. I love you all take care.
Your True Diva,
Angela Showers
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