Greetings Divas & Gents,
As I sat here thinking about how many people get offended by the Word of God at times. As for the Lord told me, from day one not to sugar coat any messages he tells me to when I host our True Divas conference calls or send out a morning message it intends to offend some more than others. However, I have a job to do, may Father said to keep it 100 not 78% raw & 12% Sugar Coated, so that's what I do. For a while I was worried about people not liking me or mistaking me to be this mean person but God said to me, "they didn't like me either." I have lost so called friends, some people have removed themselves from this site, some don't attend the conference calls anymore, even some members have stop speaking with me all of because they got offended with the Word of God. So this morning I was browsing through my Bible and came across the story were many disciples deserted Jesus (John 6:60-71) The story started off by people not believing that Jesus was from heaven, they were doubting him because he would not give in to their self centered request or put on public acts for them. As they begin to talk about Jesus so did the disciples and was starting to think and grumble that Jesus Teaching was too hard and people may not accept it. People fail to understand that Jesus emphasize Faith not deeds! God's teachings may be hard, difficult to understand, and offensive at times but we have to ask our selves will I give up,will I ignore certain teachings, or will I reject Christ? Instead of all of that we should ask God to show us what the teachings mean and how do they apply to our life. Then have the courage to act on God's truth! I love you all and my God continue to bless each of you.
Your True Diva,
Angela Showers