Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Life by the Spirit

I was sitting here focused on the Word this morning when several thoughts came to mind. As I flipped through the Bible, yesterday flashed through my mind. My day started off rough and by noon I was completely furious. As I say down made myself laugh and begin to focus on God, my whole day turned around! So I'm encouraging you all to stay focused on God and those mishaps can turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
The passage for today is from Galatians 6:16-26. This message is about Life by the Spirit. God have revealed some things to me and this is something that someone of us here really need to read. I'm not pointing fingers, but you know who you are. Don't worry God didn't show me faces but he did show me your spirit. My job is to keep feeding you the Word, not to Judge you. I ask you all to take a look at yourselves and see if anything considered an act of sinful nature in those scriptures house in your spirit? Don't be offended by what the Lords give me, I'm just doing what he ask of me. Trust me I get Beat Down by the Word often in these messages, however, it strengthens me. I don't get mad at God, or whoever he sends my way with a message. I humble myself and take what was given and I grow from that. Every message isn't going to be Amen, Shouting, and crying...its going to be the RAW, Uncut TRUTH! If it hurts your feelings Get mad with God not me! I'm not a minister, pastor, evangelist, prophet nor a prophetess. I'm just a Woman of God who refuse to let my Sisters and Brothers fail because of lack of knowledge, support, or motivation! Understand that I love each of you and I always extend my hand to help, however, as many of you know I will NOT sugar coat anything...I will keep it brutally honest. Take Care and God Bless.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

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