I have gotten up several times this morning. I was awaken at about 2am this morning by a nudge from God. As I opened my eyes I saw that there had been a plane crash in NY that hit a house with two people in it. There were 49 people on the plane, everyone of them died and one person in the house the plane crashed into died. As I immediately prayed for their families I dozed back off to sleep. I was the awaken by God's nudge again around 3am. The news then stated that the area where this plane crashed the housing was extremely close and they couldn't see how this plane didn't wipe out more than that one house. That's when God said "see, just when you think things are too far out of control, I'm still in control." Then I thought about the people that had just passed away, did they have their life committed to Jesus? Did they have one last chance to ask for forgiveness? Did they forgive those who did wrong to them? These people had no clue that when they stepped on that plane they would
not get off; but God did... Death don't always come in slow sickness, or a long struggling death of diseases. Death can come so quick, as soon as someone blinks their eyes you could be gone. I'm not asking you, however, I am begging you to get your house in order! Today just might be one of our last days one this earth. Who knows what will happen once we step out today. As I sit here the only verse that comes to my head is:
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world the he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
Ask yourself if He can do that for you...What will you do for HIM? I love you all.
Your True Diva,
Angela Showers
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