Greetings Divas & Gents,
I pray that all is well with each of you and your families. This week has been a challenging but wonderful week for me. All I could do was stay in the Word of God and Trust him. So many of us complain when we get called out on the test of faith (that's what I call my life challenges) that we don't realize that we are being tested. Look back over your week and see how many times your Faith was tested and ask yourself did I pass or fail?
I advise each of you to keep the Faith and Trust God! Realize that you have Jesus in the boat with you, even when you think your boat is sinking and the storm has gotten unbearable. No storm is too big for our God! A sinking boat is nothing when you can Trust him and he allows you to walk on water with him! Faith is the key to success and to life. If you trust God and have Faith, everything is possible. I love you all and God Bless.
Your True Diva,
Angela Showers