Are you being seduced?
The spirit of seduction is going about throughout the world. We are seeing people being seduced by the enemy in so many different areas of their lives. We are being seduced in our flesh, our relationships, with our money, and even in many of our churches. The spirit of seduction is all around us. I encourage each of you to beware of seducing spirits.
We are all human and capable of getting into our flesh. It’s easy to get sidetracked. And we have to understand that people will get upset, frustrated, discouraged, have times they don’t feel good and we have to ‘make room for their humanity’ . In a relationship built out of love and truth there will be long-suffering and patience. The Lord knows our weaknesses, our strengths and our failures and He knows that sometimes we may do something stupid, but it isn’t because we don’t love him or love our brethren. We have to remember that we are all humans and no human is perfect.
The real battle is against truth. Whenever the enemy is coming against you with a temptation or testing, what he is trying to do is seduce you away from the truth. The Bible speaks of seducing spirits in the last days (1 Timothy 4:1). A seducing spirit is literally a spirit of deception. The Greek word for seduce means to cause to wonder or to lead astray or to seduce. It is close to the Greek word for wondering, as wondering in the wilderness without knowing your direction. The seducing spirit makes the mind to wander. As your mind begins to wander you become confused with a spirit of confusion. How does a seducing spirit seduce. It seduces by causing the mind to wander. So be careful what you allow people persuade you into doing.
Today Seduction is called hustling, smooth talking, the negotiator, wife, husband, children, Mother, & Fathers. Just as Delilah told Samson, "If you loved me..." how many times have you heard this statement, or how many times have you used this on someone? We allow people to persuade us into doing things that we really don't want to do or just to plainly shut them up. In the long run we end up paying for it dearly. So take a moment and think we are seduced in so many ways its crazy. Any form of temptation is a form of seduction, even fast food ads lol! Just be careful how you allow seduction to take a part in your life. Many people look at seduction in just sexual ways but now you see every word have several meanings! I love you all Take care.
Judges 16(NIV)
Samson and Delilah
1 Timothy 4 (New International Version)
Your True Diva,
Angela Showers