Friday, January 30, 2009

Get Connected

Good morning everyone, I pray that this email has reached you in good spirits. Today is Friday and the work week is just about over. Some of you may have struggled to get to this day, but thank God you made it. This morning I was thumbing through my bible and the Lord placed two scriptures right in my face. The first scripture was: Philippians 4:13 and it read: I can do everything through Him (God) who gives me strength! Wow that was a powerful verse itself , and then He really stepped it up and gave me Philippians 4:19 and it read: And my God will meet all of your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
As I read those verses I really began to think, If I put my mind to it I can Do it, meaning I can do ALL things through Christ who Strengthens me. Just think if you are connected to Christ and you fully trust him any thing you put your mind to, you can do it. So people please stop giving up on yourselves, stop getting frustrated and start claiming your victory! You have to help God Help YOU! If you fail to pray, fail to be faithful to His Word, or Fail to give God his one on one time, how will you prosper? Where will you draw your strength from? Think about it. Get Connected to Christ!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I have been up early this morning waiting to hear something from God. When He did give me the message He gave me one word and it was Prayer! Many of us think we have to pray a certain way but prayer is simple, Prayer is just you holding a conversation with God. If you still don' know what to say simply follow what it says in Matthew 6:5-15. Prayer is a very important habit that we need to form. We walk around too freely like we are i control over everything in our lives. We allow people to dictate what we should do or how our life should be lived. When we just simply need to have a conversation with God and seek his advice. As bad as economy say we are, people are loosing their jobs, getting laid off, loosing their homes, and so on. God gave us all a heart, a mind, and a mouth so use it! Stop taking this to heart when people don't agree with you and your dreams that God has planted inside of you. Use your mind and Stop waiting on your boss to step in and say they have to lay you off,
Everyone needs a back up plan! Use your moth to speak life into yourself, speak success into your life, and speak life into others. I sit here and ask each of you to continue to pray, if you don't pray you need to start. However if you are going to pray Faithlessly I rather you not pray at all... I'm keeping it real. Show God some respect when you pray, Believe that as soon as every word has slipped off your tongue that God has solved the issue! I love you all!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"Jesus Teaches About Worry"

The Lord has really been working with me and shifting things in my life. I'm sure that he has been doing the same for many of you as well. This month the Lord has pulled me out of my comfort zone so he could bless me in many other ways. However, when we start to do new things and God reposition us in a new direction we begin to feel uncomfortable and begin to worry or become fearful (that's just human nature). We have a fear of failing, fear of rejection, and most of all a fear of not knowing whats going to happen. Then the Lord dropped this message on me:
Matthew 6:25-34 and it was speaking on "Jesus Teaches About Worry"
That message really made me sit back and think why am I worrying when God has already told me he has great plans for me. Please read this message and apply it to your life as you see fit. I pray that every doubt, fear, and every negative thought that cross our minds is banished in Jesus name. I love you all and Have a Beautiful Day!!!!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Pressing Towards the Goal"

I have to say if you were not on that call last night, you really missed it! God gave us a word that really put all of us in the mirror and forced us to look at ourselves for what we really are! However, God is a forgiving God and as long as we go to him humble and sincere He will forgive us. The Lord gave me a message this morning for those of us who sometimes just feel like giving up. The title of this message is called:
"Pressing Towards the Goal"
Philippians 3:12-21.
I recommend this Word. Living a Christian Life is not always easy. Thats why we need to stay in prayer, be on these Monday Night Conference calls, be held accountable for our actions, and build ourselves as we help build each other. I want to see each of you succeed in life on earth and in Heaven. Its up to you to apply the Word of God in your life! We can only offer it to you but we can't force feed it to you. Many of our Spirits are starving, week, and dehydrated. Its time to feed it the Word of Life, Its time to strengthen it with our Faith, and its time to hydrate ourselves by doing the Word of God so we can grow! Its all up to you. God showed me a glimpse of what he can do but in order for us to receive more than we ever imagined we have to Apply the Word of God on a Daily Bases. I love you all!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Monday, January 26, 2009

Your Breakthrough

I was told this morning that many of us at at our break through. All we have to do is Keep Praying Until Something Happen! Many of us give up while we are going through the storm and allow ourselves to get banged up more than we should. We as people always try to work things out on our own, and fail to ask God for guidance until it has gotten unbearable for us. I'm just confused about this. Many of us go through things and we stop going to church, stop going to bible study, stop fellowship with our Faith filled family and friends, just to turn to the world or rely on ourselves. Those are the times you need to run to God! How do you think you will breakthrough when you are backing out? We are quick to pray for things and when God attempts to put us through Faith training to get to the next level we just give up on him. We expect things to be given easily like Birthday presents, when that is not the case. Your breakthrough could be one prayer away but how will you know if you have
given up already?

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Friday, January 23, 2009

Spiritual Training

This morning I had a conversation with God and he gave me quite a few scriptures that reminded me of the message "Stop Running" that I wrote yesterday! God to me to start a Spiritual Training with you all, he said its time for us to fight off the devil with his Word! Its time to memorize scriptures of protection so when the devil try to steal on us we have that Word to recite and to cover us! The scriptures I was given today were 1Timothy 4:7-15 verse. I pray that this get you started on your spiritual training. I love you all and continue to feed your spirit with the Word!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Thursday, January 22, 2009

"Suffering for Being a Christian"

I was just thinking the other day, the more I do for God the more the devil comes after me. He has attacked my finances, my patience, and my mind. I have to admit to all of you, there have been times I have just wanted to give up because the devil would not back down. Needless to say, I stood my ground faced my issues and prayed until something happened.
This morning God gave me something special to ensure that all that I go through is worth it. He gave me verses from:
1Peter 4:12-14
"Suffering for Being a Christian"
I pray that this Word bless you today as it has bless me! I love you all, God Bless.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Stop Running

The year is 2009 and many of us fail to know who we are and what is our purpose. We have not sat down long enough to allow God to introduce us to ourselves! I really think that many of us are afraid to find out who we really are. We run from God by ignoring his call and hiding behind sin, because we are too afraid of what people may think, how many friends we may loose, or simply too afraid that we may fail at doing Gods work. So to keep from failing, loosing friends, and being talked about, we rather swim upstream than see where the river flow is going to lead us. God has a purpose for each of us, however, you just have to sit still long enough and seek God to find your purpose. God thought carefully about you before he even allowed for you to be conceived. He thought about you and planned for you. Whenever you feel discourage or inadequate, remember that God has always thought of you as valuable and that he has a purpose in mind for you. That's why he gave me Jeremiah 1:4 & 5 verse.
I pray that this verse taps you on you shoulder and you come to realize that God had a blueprint for your life before you were even conceived all you have to do is just trust him, form a relationship with him, and let your guard down with him. He wants to show you the plans he have for you, but the question is are you ready to see what he can do in your life?

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I read my future today!!!

Thank each of you who attended the conference call last night. Once again the Lord showed up and showed out!! After spending my time with him this morning he gave me a few scriptures that I have to share wit you all. The first it was Proverbs 3:5-6 verse, Jeremiah 29:11-14 verse, Proverbs 29:20, last but not least he have me Jeremiah 31:16.

As you read these scriptures read them as a story and not individual and you will see clearly the instructions, the plan, the warning, and the encouragement from your Father who loves you so greatly!!!!

I love you all, God Bless.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Monday, January 19, 2009

Nothing is too hard for my God!

This morning the Lord gave me a Word for someone that is struggling with clarity on certain situations. Someone is worried how an issue is going to turn out. Someone is facing a demon from their past. Someone is facing some sort of property being taking away. Someone is fighting a demon inside of their own home. Someone is struggling with illness. However, no matter how bad it may seem God gave me this one scripture to give to you.

Jeremiah 32:27 (King James Version)
27) Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?

I pray that whatever it is you are going through, this verse will give you the strength to move forward and trust God! Stop asking why and Just Trust HIM!

I love you all and if I can help in anyway at all please contact me.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Proverbs 3:5&6

Good Morning Divas,

I just wanted to take the time out and say thank you all for being so supportive in this ministry God has given me. I am so blessed to have a group of Ladies that are willing to share, discuss, motivate, and pray for one another. I applaud each of you for your unselfishness.

Today I give to you these verses the Lord has given me:
Proverbs 3:5&6! I pray that this word feed your spirit. I love you all and have a Wonderful Weekend!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Friday, January 16, 2009

1Peter 5:6-11

I pray that everyone is doing well and staying warm. The weather is ridiculously cold and we have so many homeless Peoples and animals out on the streets trying to find a place to sleep that's somewhat warm. My heart ache for those who were not able to get into shelters, so I ask that each of you begin to pray for these people in your prayers today. A great majority of these homeless are children that are in their teens and younger. So please help someone today because if we didn't have God's favor upon our life we would not be here in front of this computer in a warm place.

Today message was given to me from 1Peter 5:6-11. I pray that you read this passage and really stay focused on the journey that God has ahead of you. Keep Feeding your spirit with His Word, and help those who are in need if you are able to, if not keep them in your prayers. I love you all, God Bless!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Who is your Peter?

This morning God gave me one scripture and it was from Matthew!

Matthew 16:23 it read: Jesus turned to Peter and said, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me;you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men."

Wow did you just read that? Peter tried to rebuke Jesus when Jesus shared with them his prediction of his death! Oh yeas he did read the verses before this one I provided. Just think for one second if Jesus would have listen to Peter where would we be today? How would our life be?

We all have a Peter in our lives that try to take us off the path from doing God's work and always try to get us to leave God out of the equation! I bet you can sit down night now and name at least one Peter that you have in your life! If you don't have a Peter in your life then you need to reevaluate yourself and make sure you are on the right path! Your Peter could also be known as Mother, Father, Husband, Friend, Child, Uncle, Aunt, Cousin, or even just someone you happen to know. Satan get into the head of people that we know when they come around us we we are doing our best for God. He will attempt to make us doubt ourselves, get unfocused, and get us to make moves without consulting God. I advise you to act and speak just as God did and tell Satan to get behind you!
Stay Focused, Stay Strong, Stay Faithful, Stay in Prayer, Stay around Positive people, and most of all Stay in the Presence of God. I love you all. Take care and God Bless.

* Satan used Peter to try to get Jesus off his path but as you read further in the Bible you will see how Peter grew stronger in Christ.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers
©2009 All Rights Reserved
Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"The Etiquette Class with Jesus"

This morning message was given to me from Matthew 7:7-12. I call this the message "The Etiquette Class with Jesus." In these scripture you will find a scripture that most call "The Golden Rule!" He teaches you that you need to ask, seek, and knock! Many of us go through life taking things without asking our Father's permission; for example, jobs, spouse, friends,etc...We rarely pray and ask God if any of these things are right for us, we just make our own decision. Many of us go through life looking over things when they are right in our face. We are too impatient to take the time to look at things closely. Last but not least Knocking... Wow, knock before you enter! Jesus said knock it it shall be open, however some of us just walk right into thing without taking the time to stop and knock, like relationships, taking new jobs without doing your research, and ect. Take caution with things and stop busting in doors because you are going to open up a door one day and wish you hadn't.
Perfect example public restrooms... I know when you are in the mall shopping and you have to go so bad you rush into a restroom don't knock and enter a door and someone is already sitting there lol. Knock before you enter!
I pray that you read this passage and study it carefully and begin to apply these etiquette to your daily life. I love you all, and God Bless!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers
©2009 All Rights Reserved
Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"Forgiveness for the Sinner"

I just want to thank each of you again for making the call last night. I am just so humbly proud that just by being obedient to God he have allow us to touch so many lives. This is real Divas, this is what life is all about! We are as a Sisterhood, as D.I.V.A.S. need to step up to the plate and extend our hand out to our sisters, our brothers, our communities, and our families. We have to set aside pettiness and un-forgiveness and do God's work for God's people. The only person we need to impress is God. With that being said the Lord blessed my spirit with these scriptures this morning. and the Title was
"Forgiveness for the Sinner" it was found in 2 Corinthians 2:5-11. This is a good read for the spirit. First Learn to forgive Yourself as well as others that have wronged you in the past. Many of us are forgive others but not ourselves...that's why we walk around shame and afraid to do God's work because the devil always remind you of your past! and then you sit and wonder Why am I struggling/ It is clear because you are still wrestling with your past while trying to grab on to your future! Go and Let God! I love you all and God Bless. Take a moment to tad and do two things...spend time with God and bless sow a seed into someone's life today!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers
©2009 All Rights Reserved
Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I love my Me time with God

This morning I woke up, came to my computer and sat down. I was about to start typing what was on my mind however God stopped me in my tracts and said "grab your Bible, you should know how we don this by now!" LOL I opened up my Bible and the first verse that caught my eye was Matthew 7:33 Where Jesus teaches about worry. Verse 33 read "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all things will be given to you as well." WoW do you really understand that scripture? Well let me break this down.
To "seek first his kingdom and his righteousness" means to turn to God first for help, to fill your thoughts with his desires, to take his character for your pattern, and to serve and obey him in everything. Stop and think " What is really important to you?" Is it people, work, goals, money, internet,and other desires that all compete to be at the top of your priority list? Any one of these things can easily become most important to you if you don't choose to actively give God First place in every area of your life. That's why I choose to share my mornings with God and then I share it with you all. As much as I love this site I will not allow it to come before the man who given it to me!I love my Me time with God and that is why he blesses me so. I advise you to try it. Take so time for your God on a daily routine and see how blessed your life will become. I love you all, take care, enjoy you weekend, and God Bless!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers
©2009 All Rights Reserved
Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Friday, January 9, 2009

"What's on your Menu Today?"

"What's on your Menu Today?"

I was just sitting here reflecting back on Bible study from Wednesday night and I remember my Pastor said," If you are not feeding your spirit with the Word, your spirit will still eat! However the question is What will it eat?" I sat back and begin to think about all the negative things that are attempted to be feed into our spirit on a daily bases.
Every time we watch the news they speak of recession, murders, robberies, and etc. We have friends that call us and dump all their bad news and complaints on our spirit. We also go to work were we have people that are never satisfied,lie, cheat,, steal and ect... and our spirits have the ability feeding off of that IF we do not feed our spirit with the Word so it will not have an appetite for the negativity in this world. I ask each of you to start your day off in deep prayer right where you are at this very moment(You can do this silently to yourself if you are at work), Set your focus on God, think of all the beautiful wonderful things He has blessed you with, think of how much he loves you, think of the times when you ignored him He was still there for you, and most of all think of the plans for you that he has not revealed to you just yet! Begin to meditate on how good it feels to be in the Presence of the Lord!
I challenge each of you to at Least read a bible verse a day and try to remember one verse a week, so when trouble arrive those verses may be the flash card you need to rely on to fight off the devil. Speak the Word of God and the Devil will flee. Feed your Spirit its daily bread so that you can be Spiritually Healthy!
I love you all and God Bless.

Your True Diva,

Angela Showers
©2009 All Rights Reserved
Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Thursday, January 8, 2009

"You are Being Set Up"

"You are Being Set Up"

This is only the 8th day in the year of 2009 and so many things have happen and so many things have changed since December of 2008! Sometimes we try to sit down and figure out where did we go wrong by doing some things, why did certain things happen, Why do some people dislike us when we have done nothing wrong, and so many other thoughts that we was unclear with and God gave me this one scripture that gave me a sense of peace.
It was John 13 verse 7 and it read: Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand."
Right then I realize that when certain issues come our way, we just need to step back, pray, and keep feeding off the Word. There is no need to worry why because we will not know why until God reveals the master plan that he have for you. It might be later in life when you fully understand why God allowed us to go through some things in our past, however we may still be unclear on certain parts. Just know that Your path may have set you up for success, it may have set you up to help someone else who isheaded down the same road you have been down, and it clearly may have been so you can get closer to Him!I challenge you to drop the phrase "Why Lord?" and start saying "I thank you Lord, for I do not know the plans that you have for me, but I thank you in advance!" I love You all and God Bless.

Your True Diva,

Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

©2009 All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How to be blessed

I am just ecstatic about the message that I was given this morning! We always speak of being blessed, or always wish blessings upon each others lives, but some of us don't know what it takes to be blessed. In Matthew 5:3-11th verse God speaks of how to be blessed.
Blessed means so much more than happiness. It implies the fortunate or enviable state of those who are in God's kingdom. Each beatitudes don't promise laughter, pleasure. or earthly prosperity."Blessed" means so much more than we give it credit to be. To Jesus "blessed" means the experience of hope and joy, independent of outward circumstances. To find hope and joy, the deepest form of happiness,follow Jesus no matter what the cost. I advise that each of you read this message so that it can bless your life. I love you all and have a great day!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:
©2009 All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Your Protection Prayer Psalm 35: 1-28.

I have to say last night's conference call was ON FIRE!!! All of you brought so much joy and excitement to the call, even when the devil tried to intervene we all stuck together and stayed on the call and joined back in when he kicked us all off. That shows that each of you are dedicated to this Sisterhood and what we stand for and that is Christ! With that being said I just want to thank you all. This morning God gave me a pray from Psalm and it follower up right after the message from last night. This prayer is a Prayer to God for help against those who try to inflict injury for no reason. When our enemies are unjust and lie about us,even when we do good to them, we can appeal to God who is always just! This pray is found at Psalm 35: 1-28. Please read that whenever you are at a trial in your life. Trust and know that at all times you can call on God when you can't call on anyone else. He is your healer, your protector, Your Provider, your deliverer, your supporter, your friend,
and most of all Your Father that loves you no matter what! So stay strong, stay focused and stay in prayer. I love you all and take care.

Your True Diva,

Angela Showers
©2009 All Rights Reserved

Monday, January 5, 2009

"The Armor of God" Ephesians 6: 10-17

Wow what a way to start off the New Year, than with the love and support of one another. This is the year of Abundance, Prosperity, Growth, and Freedom! However, I am here to prepare each of you as my Father has asked of me.
Many of us will be Blessed beyond our imagination this year, but there is only one secret! That secret is "If you get the word and just sit on it, that's what it will do to you." The key word and the True secret is Activate!!! When you Activate The Word in our lives on a daily bases that's when all seeds hat we planted begin to sprout and bare fruit! However, as we come into these blessings the devil will be real busy so God gave me this message for all of us today the topic was: "The Armor of God" Ephesians 6: 10-17. I advise all of you to read this passage and prepare yourself for your blessings and how to protect them.
I have to be honest with you...many will start on the path and will not follow through out of fear of change, if that is you don't waste your time just stay off the path until you are fully ready and dedicated because it will NOT be easy. If you are ready... stay focused and keep your eyes on God not matter what jumps out at you, because God made the path, you just have to follower it! I love you all God bless you and have a Beautiful day!

Your True Diva,

Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

©2009 All Rights Reserved

Friday, January 2, 2009

Have Courage and Trust God

I hope everyone had a safe and Happy New Year! I was blessed to share my New Year with my husband and my daughter and that was More than I could have every asked for. So many things and people have come and gone out of my life in 2008 but I still have my Family. Be thankful for the small things in life and cherish every moment for you do not know what is planned for tomorrow. Learn to Appreciate and stop taking things and people for granted. Learn to speak life into yourself as well as others! Learn to be thankful for the situations you are in now because they could be a lot worse. Praise God for just being God. Praise God for the pain that you have, and know that it is just a reminder that you are still here and able to worship him!

As I sat here,God gave me a message , however, he said it was not for you all today that it was for me. I respect that and I fully understand what it was about, however, he did give me a message to give to you. It came from Matthew 14:27-31! This message is perfect for each of you for the New year! It is about Taking Courage and Trusting God! I love you all and God Bless you on this New Day of the New Year!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:
©2009 All Rights Reserved

Thursday, January 1, 2009

" Freedom from sin's grasp"

Today is a New Year, New Beginning, New Day, New Month, and it could be a New Life for many of us! Today is the day to start fresh without looking back nor on the sidelines. Its time to move forward by God's grace. Today I was given the topic of " Freedom from sin's grasp" It comes from Romans 6: 1-14. Many of us say we are having a New Life or New Year New You in 2009! If that is what you want Read this message and begin to apply it TODAY! I will speak briefly on this message on our Monday Night Conference Call at 9PM Eastern Time. So mark your calender for this Monday's call! I love you all and Happy New Year!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers
Founder/CEO of True D.I.V.A.S.

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:
©2009 All Rights Reserved