Thursday, February 26, 2009

"You all have a choice."

Greetings on this wonderful morning. I pray that each of you and your families are doing well. This morning I prayed and ask the Lord to show me what he wanted me to deliver to you all this morning.
When I grabbed my Bible and opened it up the Lord said to me "You all have a choice." I asked, "OK Lord what is it?" He said, " "Its only two roads to travel in life, there is no service roads, nor rest stops." After hearing that He gave me Psalms 1: 1-6.
In Psalms 1:1-6 it tells about Life's Two roads. The life of the faithful person is contrasted with the life of the faithless. After reading this passage I quickly understood what my Father was telling me. He was saying either you are saved or you're not! You might can fool man kind but you can't fool God. So He's right we have a choice. We can travel the Highway to Heaven or the back road to Hell. He said there is no service roads. You can only go North or South. Driving East and West will only have you coming back to where you started. So choose your route wisely on this journey and ask Our Father in Heaver cover everyone of your steps. I love you all. God Bless!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"There is hope in your future!"

Greetings o this cold winter morning. I pray that each of you are doing well.
We started off 2009 with a boom. Now its the end of February and the Lord has shown me that some of us have hit a rough spot, some of us have begin to doubt, and most of all some of you have taken issues into your own hand instead of fully depending on him!
Some of you have lost jobs, houses,family members, cars, filed bankruptcy, utilities been turned off, going through divorce, and etc... it looks as if you have given up already, because you feel that there is nothing you can do. Well I'm here to tell you there is hope, because God said so! All you have to do is Step Aside and let God do his work.
This morning God gave me a message to tell each of you "There is hope in your future!" Read Jeremiah 31:16-17. May God add a blessing to this word. I love you all and take care.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"How to succeed in God's eyes."

I thank you all again for attending our Conference Call last night. We talked about "Being successful without selling your soul." It was a very educational topic and a eye opener for some of us. Today I will be adding some scriptures to show you "How to succeed in God's eyes."
We will only work out of one book and that will be Proverbs.First we need to start off with: Qualities that promotes success and a good reputation.
Righteousness...10:7; 12:3; 28:12
Hating what is false...13:5
Committing all work to the Lord...16:3
Using words with restraint;being even tempered... 14:27-28
Loving wisdom, & Understanding...19:8
Humility and fear of the Lord...22:4
Willingness to confess and renounce sin...28:13
* Remember that all are these are found in the book of Proverbs.*
May these word add a blessing upon your life. I love you all. God Bless!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Monday, February 23, 2009

Daniel 6 1-28

Greeting on this wonderful Monday morning. I am so excited that today is Monday. It is our weekly Monday night conference call tonight and boy do I have a treat for you guys. So please if you can attend the cal tonight.

This morning I was given the message from Daniel 6 1-28. and I just have to say wow. God really showed up and showed out for Daniel. In this story it shows us that no matter how bad the outcome may look, but as long as you Trust God and have Faith.... he will come to your rescue! See some of us look at the situation and predict our outcome, when you do not know what the Lord has planned for us. So of us give up at the beginning of the situation, before we even ask God for help. We as Christians need to get it together and get a backbone! We need to stop praising God at church and on these conference calls every Monday ; when we a quick to back down, back slide, and back out as soon as a Severe Storm forms in our lives. You see, we need the courage of Daniel! When this were not looking in his favor, he begin to pray and trust God, he was brought out of the lions den without a mark on his body or a rip in this clothes! I encourage each of you to read this passage and find that strength
and courage of Daniel that is inside of you. I hope to hear each of you on the conference call tonight!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Matthew 7:33-34

Several things have happen this week, some have lost love ones, jobs, and homes. We begin to grow worry and some of us even begin to question. We begin to loose faith, get spiritually week, and physically ill because we do not have as much control as we thought we had. So the Lord shared this one Scripture with me and it was Matthew 7:33-34. Stay in Prayer and Stay Focused!!!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mary Song of Praise

Greeting Divas,

I pray that each of you are doing well. I can't stress how important it is to stay in prayer. Even when things are not looking its best, our heart is heavy, and our mind is to cluttered; we still need to force ourselves to pray. I advise each of you to surround yourselves around positive, God fearing people to help keep you focused in your darkest hour. Praise God even when you feel like you don't have a reason to pray.

This morning message is Mary Song of Praise. it can be found in Luke 1:46-55. I pray this these scriptures allow you to give God praise for the thing he have done and the things he have plans to do in your life. Remember keep our community in prayer because some of us are really troubled at this time. I love you all. God Bless

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Jabez Prayer

Greetings on this beautiful Monday morning! I pray that each of you have had an outstanding weekend!

I am Super excited because this weekend I came across this Wonderful book called The Prayer of Jabez! It is a very inexpensive book, I got it at the dollar tree for only one dollar! It takes this very simple prayer and explain it in great detail and even teaches you how to apply this prayer to your life.
Today message is The Prayer of Jabez. You can find this prayer in 1Chronicles 4:9-10. I want each of you to study this prayer and see if you can find this book. If you wish to have one of these books and can't find it. Send me a message and I will pick up a copy for you. It is a very powerful prayer when you use it with a sincere heart! Have a wonderful day!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Friday, February 13, 2009

What will you do for HIM?

I have gotten up several times this morning. I was awaken at about 2am this morning by a nudge from God. As I opened my eyes I saw that there had been a plane crash in NY that hit a house with two people in it. There were 49 people on the plane, everyone of them died and one person in the house the plane crashed into died. As I immediately prayed for their families I dozed back off to sleep. I was the awaken by God's nudge again around 3am. The news then stated that the area where this plane crashed the housing was extremely close and they couldn't see how this plane didn't wipe out more than that one house. That's when God said "see, just when you think things are too far out of control, I'm still in control." Then I thought about the people that had just passed away, did they have their life committed to Jesus? Did they have one last chance to ask for forgiveness? Did they forgive those who did wrong to them? These people had no clue that when they stepped on that plane they would
not get off; but God did... Death don't always come in slow sickness, or a long struggling death of diseases. Death can come so quick, as soon as someone blinks their eyes you could be gone. I'm not asking you, however, I am begging you to get your house in order! Today just might be one of our last days one this earth. Who knows what will happen once we step out today. As I sit here the only verse that comes to my head is:
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world the he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
Ask yourself if He can do that for you...What will you do for HIM? I love you all.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Life by the Spirit

I was sitting here focused on the Word this morning when several thoughts came to mind. As I flipped through the Bible, yesterday flashed through my mind. My day started off rough and by noon I was completely furious. As I say down made myself laugh and begin to focus on God, my whole day turned around! So I'm encouraging you all to stay focused on God and those mishaps can turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
The passage for today is from Galatians 6:16-26. This message is about Life by the Spirit. God have revealed some things to me and this is something that someone of us here really need to read. I'm not pointing fingers, but you know who you are. Don't worry God didn't show me faces but he did show me your spirit. My job is to keep feeding you the Word, not to Judge you. I ask you all to take a look at yourselves and see if anything considered an act of sinful nature in those scriptures house in your spirit? Don't be offended by what the Lords give me, I'm just doing what he ask of me. Trust me I get Beat Down by the Word often in these messages, however, it strengthens me. I don't get mad at God, or whoever he sends my way with a message. I humble myself and take what was given and I grow from that. Every message isn't going to be Amen, Shouting, and crying...its going to be the RAW, Uncut TRUTH! If it hurts your feelings Get mad with God not me! I'm not a minister, pastor, evangelist, prophet nor a prophetess. I'm just a Woman of God who refuse to let my Sisters and Brothers fail because of lack of knowledge, support, or motivation! Understand that I love each of you and I always extend my hand to help, however, as many of you know I will NOT sugar coat anything...I will keep it brutally honest. Take Care and God Bless.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Wow this morning God gave me a message that had me in here rolling! I was sitting in here thumbing through the Bible and the Lord put Beyonce's song "Irreplaceable" in my head. If you don't know the song says To the left, to the left! Then the song goes on to say "you must don't know bout me I'm irreplaceable!" I was really tripping because I was thinking why is this song stuck in my head this early in the morning? That's when the Lord showed through scripture!
Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus tells about the final Judgment. As I read this message it spoke on how God separated people from one another as shepherds separated sheep from the goat! WOW I have to shut it down right here because I feel a sermon brewing up in my spirit!!! My God is so worthy of the praise. Please read this message this morning. As that song plays back in my head God speaks to me through every single Word. God IS Irreplaceable! We need to get it together before God tell us to step to the Left! If you clearly haven't heard the song please listen to it first and then read your passage. Remember God speaks in parables at times, we just have to use our brain and his guidance to see what the message means! I love you all. Have a Beautiful Day!!!

Your true Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Monday, February 9, 2009

"Living Sacrifices"

Greetings on this beautiful Monday Morning! I've been sitting here waiting on God to give me a word this morning and he gave me several to choose from. God is still speaking to me about marriage. So I know someone here is going through a difficult time through their marriage. He told me to tell to just come to him, and allow him to do what he needs to do. You need to stop trying to control your issue because you can not handle this battle alone!

Today he gave me the message of "Living Sacrifices" it is from Romans 12:1-21. I ask each of you to read this chapter and see where you can make your living sacrifice. I love you all and take care.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Sunday, February 8, 2009

You are not alone!

I wanted to take the time this morning and say that I really do appreciate each of you for being a member here on True Divas. Without you this site would not exist.
I know that life gets rough and we seem to fall off the face of the map, when things are not going our way. I'm here to encourage each of you to stay surrounded by your positive people when things are getting tough, ask for pray, and stop backing away from people who might be able to help you. I'm really don't know who God have me speaking too right now but he said, You can't go through this alone, You need the support from your sisters her in the True Diva Community. We are here to help build one another as well as our community, so we can all build a business together. That's why we have these Monday night Conference Calls, so we can build ourselves, as we build ourselves, we can then build our community by being more helpful or just sharing a smile or an encouraging word, and then that's how you build a business, by caring and expecting nothing in return. If you are going through something let one of the sisters know so we can pray for you. My phone line is always open if you
need me. Stay connected to your sisters who are here to support you. Stop hiding, God may have the answer to your prays right here, but its up to you to reach out! Sisters you know who you are. You are the ones crying behind closed doors, abusing yourself, depressed, always frustrated, and feel like there is no way you can make it. You don't have to do this alone! I love you all.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Friday, February 6, 2009


Yesterday God gave me a message that stepped on some toes. I know mine got stepped on as well and I'm not ashamed to say so. Then He said to me "Even if you have slipped in some areas of your life, you are fighting so hard to stay in my presence; For that effort I am proud." As my eyes filled with tears I begin to think back of the days I swam in the sea of sin; when I was living for the world. He cared enough about me to jump out there and save me when I couldn't even see land any more! He saved me when everyone around me gave up. He spoke life into my spirit while my spirit was on life support from others prayers. He spoke to me from a song that said "you've done so much for me not to worship!" That's when my spirit was released from the volt it was locked away in. I confessed right in my home and He forgave me. So I give to you Psalm 130:1-8. This passage is a confession to God, because in the bible it say God will surely forgive us IF we confess our sins to him. You don't have
to sit in a closet and tell the priest what you have done, you don't have to stand before the congregation and tell all your business, God says confess to HIM and our sins will be forgiven. I advise you all to talk with your Father, he's waiting to hear from you. I love you all.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Thursday, February 5, 2009

"Bring your Bricks"

Today message may not be accepted by all because of how man law is today, or how we scramble to make excuses for the decision we choose to be right. God placed it on my heart that it is some marriages in danger right her within the True Divas Community, he also showed me that its some single people on here as well are not doing what they are suppose to be doing either. I'm not here to point fingers or take side I'm just here to deliver a message. God said its time to get back to the basics, Man has upgraded so much they have left God out of the equation. So he told me to give you all 1 Corinthians 7:1-40 and the title is "Instructions on Christian marriage" don't be fooled by the title it gives instructions on being single as well. I advise each of you to read this message and be honest are YOU doing all you can do in your Marriage (no matter what your spouse actions are)? Many marriages/relationships fail because they are not built on solid foundation which is the Truth! Just like your relationship with God, there is no need to lie to him he knows the truth, however, some of us are so bold that we lie so well we convince ourselves with our own lie that we think we can convince God! Lets get it together people, you know what is next on the extinction list....Family Unity! Do your part, bring your bricks (as Armetria would say), and lets build our community one family at a time, starting with yours. I love you all. God Bless!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"I am who He say I am!"

I want to thank each of you for the phone calls and the messages yesterday. I am very blessed to have such a wonderful group of Women to call my Sisters!

I was speaking with a sister yesterday and the Lord gave me this scripture to give her. It was 2 Corinthians 12:9 and it read: But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

Then this morning he told me to remind you all how precious a woman is to him, so he gave me Proverbs 31!
You see sometimes we look for man to tell us how worthy we are and get disappointed every time. God needs for you to know how precious you are so please read this passage.
Then God said,you women are such busy bodies, you are always on the run, and have to put on the role of Super Woman! He said give my daughters this word Psalm 46:10.
I pray that this message touch your heart. Just because many have put you down, doubted you, acted a donkey with you, disrespected you, or broken a Vow to you. God says you are an amazing woman, you are a strong woman, and a skillful woman. Don't allow anyone to tell you different! You are the daughter of a King and that makes you a Princess and you should think of your self with great value! I love you all my beautiful sisters.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hold On ...Stay Strong!

I pray this this message reaches each of you in good spirits. I'm going to be honest this morning is a rough morning for me. As many of you know I am a military wife and today I was faced with the challenge of separation. This morning my husband left to sail the sea for the whole month of February, and as long as we have been married I've never gotten use to seeing him leave. As I sat here and cried like a baby, the Lord gave me Ezekiel 24: 15-27 where Ezekiel wife dies and Jesus tells him not to morn. How hard could that be for someone to loose a spouse and not morn? I know my situation is way smaller than Ezekiel, however, both of us dealing with separation, his issue is death, my is physical. I take this message because it is for me, I can not morn or show weakness because I have to step up to the plate and be a single parent. I can't allow my daughter to see me at my weakest point. I have to teach her how to be a strong woman of God. Some you you may be going through separation
issues, with marriage, family, friends, your business, your job, children, or even God. All I can say is stay strong and Trust God like Ezekiel did. I guarantee there will be a blessing when these gray clouds pass. I love you all! Take Care.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

Monday, February 2, 2009

He's still coming!

I pray that each of you had a wonderful weekend and will continue on to have a blessed week.
This morning the Lord Gave me a message from Colossians 4:2-6. As many of you may know God has been giving me several massages on Prayer. Some of us intend to grow tired of prayer because we feel like we are not being heard or the answer is not coming soon enough. However God gave me a message to give someone, and he said to tell you that No matter how rough the storm may get, no matter how dark the road may seem, no matter how unstable your finances may be, no matter how bad your marriage may seem, and no matter how scared you are to do something he has put in your life to do.... He is still in CONTROL! So Faith shouldn't die if the answer to your prayers come slowly, for the delay may be God's way of working his will in our lives. So when you get tired of praying just know that God is still there and always listening, and He's still coming to see about you! Have a blessed week! Remember the Conference call is tonight!!! We will speak on the Proper way to network, so if business is
slow I have some key information to give you great leads! Check main page for call information!!! Hope to hear you on the call!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at: