Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sharing your testimony!

Greetings Everyone,

I have to say thank you to those who attended the call last night. Once again the lines were packed and I give a special thanks to those who was brave enough to speak out on what God has done in their lives. Just from listening to everyone's testimony, it gave me more hope and determination to move on in God's work. Even thinking back on what he has done for me made me fall on my knees and bless his name. If you missed the call last night and wish to listen I will provide the link and password for you.

I just wanted to take the moment and say don't be afraid or ashame to give your testimony or share what you have been through. We as people are quick to brag about what we have bought, how much money we have made, talk about something new that you bought and how well it work, however, we are too scared to tell others what God has done in our lives! Your testimony can't help anybody if you are not willing to share it. The purpose of Testimony Tuesday last night was to help our sisters understand that we are not perfect, we were a mess before God stepped in, and to give someone hope for tomorrow. It was not about telling your business to everyone, it was simply to bless someone else Spirit. We as people need to step outside of ourselves and stop worrying about what people are going to think. Somebody deliverance could have been depending on your testimony! God Bless and have a Great day!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Conference Call link: