Friday, December 26, 2008

John 13:7 December 26,2008

This morning message will be short due to me packing my things and getting ready to travel back home today! However, last night I wanted to get this message done and get it out the way so I can just pack and travel but God did not allow anything to come through for me and I did not want to do this message without him being involved. As I slept last night He kept saying to me (John 14:6) I am the way, the truth , and the light! As I got up this morning to read the scripture for myself another verse popped out for me and I knew that was what he set me up to see. It was John 13:7 and it stated Jesus replied, " You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." So take that scripture alone and apply it to whatever situation you are going through God always have a plan for us, just know and understand that your plan isn't always his plan! I love you all. Take care and God Bless!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers
Founder/CEO of True D.I.V.A.S.

P.S. Please keep me and my family in your prayers as we travel this road home today! I love you all and if you need me just call!

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Matthew 17:23 Dec. 25,2008

I just want to take the time an wish you all a Happy Holidays! I hope that each of you are enjoying your time spent with family.

Today message is just a reminder that no matter how stressful your day may be I was you all not to entertain the devil! The devil is trying to put on a show with you being the special guest! The only way to beat the devil is to not attend the show! So I leave you with Matthew 17:23 and from that verse along shall you day be prosperous. I love you all and take care.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

P.S. Don't forget that our New Year!!! New You!!! Conference call is December 29, 2008 at 9pm Eastern Time!

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:
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Luke 16:1-18 Dec 24, 2008

Good Morning Everyone! I just want to start by say thank you to Armetria Charles ( True Divas President) for stepping in and doing such a wonderful job with the good morning Divas message yesterday!

Last night before I went to bed the Lord gave me such a wonderful message and it was still on my mind this morning so I just had to share it with you all! The message came from Luke 16:1-18 verse. It was about "Jesus Tells the Parable of the Shrewd Manager." I have to say make sure you read verses 10-13 they are the ones that will put many into their place. These verses all boils down to Trust and your blessings!
Treat others and their property as you would your own. If you can't be trusted with someone else property why would God bless you with your own? Don't try to get over on those who extend their hand to help you, because you will always attract those types of people that will do the same to you. Read the message for yourself and figure out are you the Employer of the shrewd manager or are you the Shrewd Manger? It only takes a True Person of God to answer that question honestly! If you are The Employer do just what the guy did in this message(read stricture to find out). If you are the shrewd manager no matter what you attempt to succeed at you will always have hardship, struggles, and people that will do unto you as you have done unto others! I love you all! Take care and God Bless!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers
Founder/CEO of True D.I.V.A.S.

Thanks again Armetria C. Job well done!

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:
©2009 All Rights Reserved

Good Morning Divas by Armetria Charles Dec. 23, 2008

Good Morning Divas,
As you may know Angela is out of town and does not have internet access at this time. So I was asked to continue her morning ritual of Good Morning Divas. With honor, I will proceed.

I am realizing success has it's hazards... We begin to trust in ourselves- our own abilities, position of influence, and resources, rather than God's. This has happened again and again. I read where it happened to Uzziah, a king of Judah who enjoyed great success and was exalted to a position of prominence. We read, But when he became strong, his heart was so proud that he acted corruptly, and he was unfaithful to the Lord his God" (2Cronicles 26:16). As a result Divas, God had to discipline the king. He lived out his days as a leper.
It happened to King Nebuchadnezzar, ruler of Babylonian Empire, who achieved great military success and was privileged to rebuild and beautify the lovely city of Babylon. Yet he too succumbed to pride. He begin to praise himself for building such a lavish, royal residence, leaving God out of the equation. Read (Daniel 4:30). God judged Nebuchadnezzar! )see scripture reference to see what happened!)
Now I read about John the Baptist and he knew how to cope with success. He recognized it came from God (John3:27). He didn't allow it to go to his head. The Lord was able to entrust to John a gracious measure of success in life because He knew that John would use it to glorify him.
How are you handling your success?
Let's take the road of John the Baptist and remember all that we have comes from God's bank account of His riches & glory!

Have a victorious day,

Your True Diva President,
Armetria Charles

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at:

James 4:1-12 Dec 22, 2008

Wake up Divas! Its time for the word this morning and boy do I have one for us all. I am so excited about this Word because it hit so many points it is unbelievable! God put before me James 4:1-12. I hope that each of you humble yourselves to the Word of God this morning. Take the time to really sit down and Read this carefully. I love you all and please take care.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

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