Friday, March 6, 2009

Expecting a Blessing

Greetings my fellow Divas,
I come to you full of life and energy. I am expecting a great blessing from God today! Why? Because we should all wake up with some sort of expectation. We should always expect the best from our Father. When is the last time you ask the Lord to Bless YOU? Yeah I may sound a little selfish to some of you but our Father wants us to ask him for things also, instead of waiting until we are in trouble, a bill is way overdue, sickness has came upon us, or when we are facing unemployment. I've learned that when I pray, I have three prayers that I pray. I pray for each of you, my family, and I also say a special prayer for myself. I get up everyday and ask for a new blessing for that day, and guess what he delivers EVERYDAY! He never said stop asking me for blessings. You can never overdraft on blessings. God said ask and you shall receive, so that's what I do! However, as many have said, God don't Bless no Mess! So get yourself in his presence on a daily routine and get to know your
Father, build a relationship with him, don't treat him like he's your Sugar Daddy!
Just when you think every door is lock, every window has been boarded up, and there is no way out; God will come and snatch the roof off that join to get to his child. Never think for a second that he can't bless you, sometimes we have to humble ourselves in order to see the small blessings. Today I give to you Proverbs 3rd chapter to read! Yes the whole chapter. It's about the Future Benefits of Wisdom something we all need to study and attempt to perfect so we can cash in on our benefits! I pray that this message wake someone up today and start them on a new journey for Christ. If you need me I'm always here. I love you all and God Bless.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

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