Friday, February 6, 2009


Yesterday God gave me a message that stepped on some toes. I know mine got stepped on as well and I'm not ashamed to say so. Then He said to me "Even if you have slipped in some areas of your life, you are fighting so hard to stay in my presence; For that effort I am proud." As my eyes filled with tears I begin to think back of the days I swam in the sea of sin; when I was living for the world. He cared enough about me to jump out there and save me when I couldn't even see land any more! He saved me when everyone around me gave up. He spoke life into my spirit while my spirit was on life support from others prayers. He spoke to me from a song that said "you've done so much for me not to worship!" That's when my spirit was released from the volt it was locked away in. I confessed right in my home and He forgave me. So I give to you Psalm 130:1-8. This passage is a confession to God, because in the bible it say God will surely forgive us IF we confess our sins to him. You don't have
to sit in a closet and tell the priest what you have done, you don't have to stand before the congregation and tell all your business, God says confess to HIM and our sins will be forgiven. I advise you all to talk with your Father, he's waiting to hear from you. I love you all.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

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