Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"Dressed and Ready to Go"

Greetings Divas & Gents! I pray that everyone is had a beautiful day yesterday and an even better one today. I'm sorry guys but I have to tell you all about my day yesterday! Very interesting day but I will draw back to the morning message.

As many of you know that I am a Licensed Massage Therapist. Yesterday I was taking the day off and was going to relax all day. I had an appointment to see my Chiropractor (which I happen to work with) at noon. As I was on my way to see my Chiropractor, I was about 10 minutes away from the office when he called and said "Hey Angela are you coming for your appointment today?" I said, "yes doc whats up?" He replied, " One of your hockey players want to schedule an appointment with you right after your session with me. He's hurting really bad can you take this appointment? I know its last minute and you might have to go back and get your things." I immediately thought, I wasn't planning on this today,however, I am prepared because I never go anywhere without my massage supplies!!! so I said, "Of course, I can do it and I will be there shortly." As I pulled up in less than ten minutes, doc looked at me and said, wow Angela did you have to get your supplies and then come back? If so that sure was quick!" (I live 15-20 away from the office to remind you.) I said, Doc I'm always prepared! I never leave home without my supplies, because you never know when duty calls."

I gave you this story because, this morning I came across Luke 12:35-40. It speaks about Jesus warns about preparing for his Homecoming. After reading those scriptures I immediately thought what if I was not ready yesterday? I would have missed out on unexpected money, my most faithful client would have still been in pain, and I would have been upset because I miss out on an opportunity to help someone who really needed my help. You see, when Jesus comes back for you; you need to be dressed and ready to go! He will not continue to wait around to see what decision you are going to make. I advise each of you to be ready to roll at any given moment. You never know when your name is next on the roll call. I love u all. God Bless!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Monday, March 30, 2009

Psalm 23

Greeting Divas & Gents! The Lord put this prayer on my heart this morning and I am sharing it with each of you. Take this prayer and apply it to your life today. I love you all and God Bless!

Psalm 23 (New International Version)

Psalm 23
A psalm of David.
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.

2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,

3 he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.

4 Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death, [a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.

6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD
forever. Amen

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Friday, March 27, 2009

Understanding what you don't understand

Many people today don't understand what and why they are going through some things at this point in their lives, but God gave me some scriptures to ease your spirit this morning. I advise you to Let Go and Let God, as long as you hold on to what God is trying to separate you from, you will continue to fight a battle that is not yours! I love you all and God Bless.

John 13:7 (New International Version)
7Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand."

Matthew 6:33-34 (New International Version)
33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Jeremiah 29:11-14 (New International Version)
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity. [a] I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile."

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Are you a messenger for Christ?

Greetings Everyone,

I pray that all is well with each of you was we begin to get closer to the end of this wonderful week. I have a question to ask each of you this morning. How many people have you talked to about God this week? I'm not talking about on Tuesday conference calls,Wednesday Bible Study, Sunday or Saturday service. I'm talking about with friend, family , or with co workers. Many of us call ourselves Christians but are too ashamed to speak about God to your unsaved friends. Many call themselves Christians but never take out the time to have pray with your spouse and kids,unless its dinner time or something is terrible wrong. We as Christians should be messengers for Christ on a daily bases and not just when you are surrounded by saints! This morning God gave me a me from Luke 10: 1-24 This is the passage when Jesus sends out 72 messengers and when they return. These verses made me sit and wonder about some thing. I spread the gospel everywhere I go so therefore I am a messenger and the things that I see and hear that no one else does is all about my commitment to my Father. People use to call me weird but Jesus said, "these are the gifts I have given you my child." I dare you to share the gospel with as many people as possible and see how your life will be blessed.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Imitating Christ's Humility

Greetings Divas,

I want too thank all of you who attended our conference call last night. It fills my heart with joy to know that each of you have taken the time to call in and fellowship with your fellow Divas and Gents! Once again I thank you.

This morning message was given to me by our Father. The past few days he allowed me to type and speak from my heart while he guided me and gave me words to say. However, this morning he gave me these words from the Bible and said they need no explanation. I am to share with you this wonderful topic called:
Imitating Christ's Humility this can be found in Philippians 2:1-11. I pray that you all read this message and have a clear understanding of what it means. If you need me to define any of these scriptures for you please feel free to ask me. I love you all , God Bless. Remember to spend your time wisely.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at: http://divas101.ning.com

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I Dare you to be Different!

"Are you living your soul purpose?"

Many people wonder why they are not successful, why they struggle so much, why they hate their job, or why they feel like it's something else that they are suppose to do in life. What I was given this morning is because you are not doing what the Lord has called you to do. Many of us have gifts that we refuse to use or too ashamed to use. We also ignore our gifts due to fear of failing in God's eye. Some of us even feel like we are not worthy to do God's work because of all we have done wrong. I'm here to tell you, our God is a forgiving God! We just have to Go to him and let go of everything that has ever hurt us and everything we have done to hurt others that we haven't forgiven ourselves for. Once you connect and stay plugged in to Jesus your Soul Purpose is revealed. We as God's children are not meant to struggle, yes we all have rough time but I look at those as Faith exercises. Its time that we stop asking God for blessings and we can't even do the work that he has put in us to do. That's just like asking your boss to reward you for not doing any work! Stop complaining and start Praying. Stop looking for a hand out, stop begging, and do what God has put on your heart to do! Stop being afraid and start stepping out on Faith! Start doing things that will benefit people other than just yourself! We all have a life purpose, however, are you ready to start your journey into your soul purpose? I dare you to be Different! Step out on Faith and Walk into your Soul Purpose. I guarantee you life will begin to shift. I love you all & God Bless.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Monday, March 23, 2009

"The Choice is Yours"

Greeting Divas on this Glorious morning. I pray that each of you had a wonderful weekend. May your day be filled with blessings and your body,mind, and spirit is covered in the blood of Jesus!
So many things will happen today but you have the freedom of choice. You have the power to turn a negative into a positive just by the way you react. Life is full of temptations. Just as Jesus was walking through the desert after fasting for 40 days, temptation was speaking to him saying I know you're hungry, you can turn these stones to bread, but Jesus said satan get thee be hind me and choose to stay on the path. We have to start making decisions wisely by looking at our purpose for doing things. Jesus had one purpose for walking this earth and that was to die for us. He didn't let any man, woman, hunger, beatings, insults, lies, or disbelievers distract him from his purpose. We need to learn to walk in faith, courage, wisdom, and strength. Even though we may be tempted to do some things, we shall stay on our path for one reason, and that is to meet the man that died for you. I love you all and God Bless.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Sunday, March 22, 2009

"A Family that Prays together, Stays together"

Greeting Divas,

Today is Super Fantastic Sunday!!! We should all be rejoicing right here and right now, because we have been given another chance. Take today and share it with your love ones. Appreciate the time that you have with them. Get with your family and just simply have prayer with them today in your house! Most of us feel that pray meeting have to be done in church. I dare you to be different today. Get your family together and get in a circle in your living room and simply pray for each other. You wonder why thing are going wrong in your house, have you heard that the family that prays together stays together. Grab your spouse, kids, and even the pets and each of you say a prayer for one another, and feel the energy shift in the house! I love you all. God Bless!!!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

P.S. Remember conference call on Tuesday night!!!

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at: http://divas101.ning.com

Friday, March 20, 2009

"Un-Block Your Blessings"

Greetings Divas,

I come to you this morning full of life, love, and gratitude. For the past few days we been talking about being grateful, and the more I think about the things I am grateful for the more humble I become.
I just wanted to take out the time and let each of you know that I appreciate each and every one of you. I have connected with each of you in a different way. Some of you I talk to on a daily bases, some I've called, some of you have called me, many of you email me, and some of you I have met! Just think as I confessed about a month ago I had issues with building relationships with women due to my past life. I always thought that someone was out to get me. Now look what I have been delivered from... I have over 300 women I can call my sisters! I was delivered from this issue by following God's lead when I created this site. When I stated this site on October 5 of 2008, I had a wall up so high with women that no one could see over. Everyday the Lord worked with me and he allowed me to see that many of you women are just like me. Many of you have been through the same issues I have been through and God opened my eyes and said "these are your Sisters, the only thing different is your names. I made you all the same, you all were made perfect by me. What you do to and for your Sisters you have done to me!" I know you are wondering why I share this story.
Its some of you wondering why you are not being blessed. If you ask that question, I ask you to step outside yourself and look into your life. You have blocked your own blessings. You have not forgiven someone or yourself. You holding a grudge on your kids father, a cousin, your mother, father, grandparent, a ex-boyfriend/husband, old friend, someone who molested you, abused you, broken your heart, and etc... Let Go and Let God. The day I decided to let go and let God he poured more blessings on me that I could bare. If he did it for me he can do it for you. I love you all take care.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at: http://divas101.ning.com

Thursday, March 19, 2009

"Later could be too Later"

I woke up this morning with a praise in my spirit. I had this song I was singing: I will bless the Lord!!! Then it says He has done great thing so I will bless the Lord!

Our Father deserves the praise! We need to wake up every morning with a praise in our spirit that is itching to get out.

Last night I was on facebook before I went to bed, I saw a friend that I had approved had put up some new pictures. I'm nosy so I head over to look at them. She had some beautiful pictures of this beautiful little girl, herself, and her husband. I flipped through a few more and I saw the beautiful little girl dressed up like she was coming from church, she was laying there sleeping...the Lord said sweetheart look again. I looked again and I saw flowers in the back ground and the lid of a casket. This little girl was gone and was no more than the age of three or four. I didn't realize why I was typing this message until now when the Lord said to tell his people that," As fast as I give, I can take it away. So be grateful and appreciate what you have now because it could be gone in a matter of minutes." My Sisters and Brothers I dare you to give God praise right there where you are right now! He selected You as a child of a second chance today, with that aloe He is Worthy to be Praised! Glory to God. Don't put things off till later because your later might be too late. I love you all. God Bless!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"When are you going to carry your own cross?"

Greetings Divas,

I sat and spoke with my Father in Heaven this morning and I asked him, " Father what is you want me to tell your people today?" Without hesitation he said to me, " Ask them When are they going to carry their own cross?" So I'm asking you this morning, "When are you going to Pick up your cross?"
As I was speaking about complaining and always blaming satan or the devil about things that we say and do on the call last night. I was given this vision of Jesus carrying this heavy cross, bleeding, being beaten, spit on, and going through all of that pain for us. As i keep speaking he look me dead in the face and said, "I did this for each of you." We as people are never satisfied and complain about everything. We always have someone to blame for what we did or said. We are always giving excuses about thing we did or didn't do. My Father said its time for you to carry your own cross! Its time for you to take responsibility for your actions. Its time to stop pointing the finger at satan when you have brought several things upon yourself for not being obedient! I have to be honest sometimes we blame satan for things that we did ourselves. I see why satan is always on your butt because, you are blaming things on him that he didn't do. If you were always blaming things on me that I didn't do I would be upset too. Stop blaming the economy for you being broke because you wasn't spending money wisely before it got this bad anyway! Stop blaming your parents for the way you turned out in life because you are now of age and have the power to turn that around! Stop blaming your spouse for the marriage going bad when it was things that you were doing that wasn't right. Stop blaming and start picking up your cross! in Matthew 10:38 Jesus said: "Anyone who does NOT take his cross and follow me is not WORTHY of me! So now what are you going to do?

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"We are Healed"

Greetings Divas,

The past few days I have not been feeling well, however, I'm still serving and praising my Lord and Savior! As I sit here now I am in pain but I refuse to let it take my joy. As I was flipping through the Bible the Lord allowed me to see what he has done for others. I opened up the book of Mark 1:29-34 Where Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-in-Law and many others! I flip to another page: Mark1:40-45 when Jesus heals a Man with Leprosy! I'm not done yet guys LOL!!! Mark 2:1-12 Jesus heals a Paralyzed Man! I jump over to Mark 3:1-6 when Jesus heals a man's hand on the Sabbath! Oh WOW I didn't stop there guys I kept moving through the book of Mark and came up on Mark 5:21-43 when Jesus really showed out by Healing a bleeding woman and restoring a girl to life!
As you can see the book of Mark is full of healing, because the list doesn't just stop there it just keep going and going! So for anyone who needs Healing I encourage you to read the book of Mark where Jesus has healed all these people and have Faith that you are healed by his Word! I love you all, God Bless.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at: http://divas101.ning.com

Monday, March 16, 2009

"Now or Never"

Greeting Divas,

I pray that each of you had a wonderful weekend. I'm going to be quick an to the point this morning. Have any of you heard the phrase "Now or Never?" I'm sure you have, however, what does that mean to you? Well what I mean by now or never is real simple. Several of you may be thinking, "When is it my time to be blessed?" Have God forgotten about me?" "I've sown several seeds but nothing is coming back in return." If these are some of the things that have crossed your mind, Now or Never is the phrase just for you. Why? you may ask... because it mean Deal with your NOW or you will Never get to the next level! You know how we use to play video games and get to a hard level, as much as we want to get to the next level, we can't because we have not cleared everything off the board we are currently on! Some of us can't focus on today because we are too worried about whats going to happen tomorrow. Many People think only two ways, in the Past or in the Future. When are you going to think about your NOW and appreciate it. You now is preparing you for your tomorrow. So take the advantage of the time you have in your now and get some things together, so your tomorrow can begin to shift. Your life CAN NOT change if you don't decide to change at least one thing in it. When you change that one thing you allow your life to shift just a little and that may be all you need to get to the Next Level!
Appreciate what you have now and be thankful, because some people have it worst than you do. I love you all. Take care.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at: http://divas101.ning.com

Friday, March 13, 2009

Prasie your way out of your Lion's Den!

"Today is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it!"

Wow is all I can say this morning, The Lord has given me a message for those of you who may be struggling with work. You feel like people are working against you instead of with you. It may be someone in your family or circle of friends you feel that way about, however, it could be someone who just sit back and hate to see you succeed. I come to you and I say stay focused, stay on the path and stay full of Faith. This morning I was lead to the story of Daniel in the Lions Den found in Daniel 6:16-28. But first to be honest I was lead to Jeremiah 29:11 as I was about to rejoice I was then lead to Daniel 6:16-28. Jesus said I showed you their plan for you to encourage them and let them know that these are my plans for them, but this is what they are going through right now. Tell my people to focus on me and have the Faith that Daniel did and these are the plans I have for them." So my Sisters and Brothers, someone may have accused you, mislead you, or plotted against you to put you in your Lions Den. God shows me that your lions den is Unemployment or lack of work, however he says hold on and keep praising him. He also just told me ( I warn you because you might not like this but this is what the Lord put in my spirit to say) You are going through this for a reason! He said that if you really appreciated the things that you were Blessed with before you will not be going through this right now. A man that is trusted with a little can be trusted with a lot! If he can't trust you with a little then don't ask for a lot because you are not getting it! When you learn to appreciate the things that you have and stop complaining about what you don't have or whats always going wrong, then you will see your blessings arrive in due time!" Ask yourself are you ready to see the blueprints of your future? If so keep FAITH!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at: http://divas101.ning.com

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Spiritual Detox

I come to you this morning to say two Words: Spiritual Detox

I have to confess to you all that theses past few weeks my Spirit has been cluttered due to so much going on, and I have to be honest it wasn't even my issues. Being a servant for God means being a servant for his people. As you all may recall in John 13:5 it starts to tell the story of how Jesus washed the disciples feet and he used the towel that he had wrapped around him to dry off their feet. Stop right there and think, their shoes was merely nothing, their feet got so dirty, even when washing with water alone Jesus still got some residue on that towel from their feet (OMG I feel a praise in this room)! After washing twelve men feet and wiping them all clean with the same white towel he had wrapped around him, You can't tell me that towel wasn't dirty. As he finished and stood up guess what; the towel dropped down and landed on his flesh. Jesus allowed the dirt from other men to touch him, even when he knew Judas was going to betray him he allowed his dirt to get on him; he still served him like everyone else! WOW! So as we serve Gods people our spirit picks up their dirt and we have to go to Jesus to serve us and cleanse our spirits! My spirit was so cluttered but I was still able to allow Jesus to use me and work through me, however, I felt as if I couldn't receive as I should have. So I spent most of my day in the Word yesterday and I tell you the Jesus put me through a spiritual Detox! By 8:30 last night I was bouncing off the wall! I was revealed so many things and he spoke to me on so many levels. This morning it fells good to be personally severed by Jesus himself! I feel like I have just had my feet washed my My Father! I feel renewed, refreshed, and rejuvenated! If you are feeling cluttered, confused, unsure, or feel like its something holding you back. I advise you to take a day and go through a spiritual detox. I love you all.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My 101 Training with God!

Praise God on this glorious morning! Today is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it!

Greetings Divas,
I have to say on last night conference call we did it again. Prayer was exactly what we needed last night. I thank each of you sisters for feeling comfortable enough around your sisters to share your prayer request with us. I applaud each of you for that, that show how much our sisterhood have grown.

This morning message is something that I truly had to brace myself for. I was struggling with some thing in my spirit and I wanted to vent so bad but God said "HUSH my child your mouth is too slick. I have to teach you how to speak the way I want you to speak!" A sister gave me Ecclesiastes 3 yesterday and I read it this morning, that message hit home and I said you right Lord, there is a time for everything. Then the Lord led me to Ecclesiastes 5:1-7, Guys those words hit me so hard I almost fell out my seat! God said "Now this is how you handle things. You handle them with MY Words and not your own!!!" Then he went own to give me Deuteronomy 23:21-23, Proverbs 20:25, and Matthew 5:33. Gad gave me this message to give to each of you, but he also gave me this Word to teach me how to Speak God like on issues that my flesh seems to get ghetto with lol.
Thank God for the patience to teach me and for dealing with my flesh! I pray that you all take these scriptures, read them, and apply
them to your life. I love you all! God Bless.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at: http://divas101.ning.com

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This morning I was sitting here trying to see what was going to be spoken on this morning. I just happen to look up from my Bible and I read the back of this card I had written on, it said "It's my time!" That right It is my time! Its OUR time! Its our time to be blessed. Its our time to be successful, Its our time to be set free from debt. Its our time to be drug free. Its our time to be set free from adultery. It's our time to be set free from lies. Its our time to be a blessing to someone other than our family and loved ones. It our time to be the one to forgive and stop holding grudges. Its our time to stop denying that we have flaws just like everyone else do. Its our time to be delivered from depression. Its our time to be Healed from ALL Illness and Sickness! Its our time, however the question is how bad do you want it? How far will you go to make sure you are delivered from this things? I read Luke 8:40-56 and it spoke on the Lady that had the issue with blood. They said the crowd was packed with thousands the disciples were surrounding Jesus real close so they can all keep up. They said the crowd almost crushed him. So you can imagine this crowd was like it was when Obama was getting sworn in as president. This lady fought her way through thousands of people. She pushed, crawled, jumped or maybe even stepped on some people but she did not give up until she got close enough to touch Jesus! She made it up in her mind that this is my time to be healed and nothing is going to stop me from getting my healing! So ask yourself Can I fight against the storm to get to my blessing? I love you all!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at: http://divas101.ning.com

Monday, March 9, 2009

Are you Blocking your own Blessings?

Greetings Everyone,

This weekend was such a beautiful weekend and I hope that each of you got a chance to enjoy it. Now its Monday and over the weekend I ask you all to look back over your week and see where you could have done some improvement. Today is the day to start checking things off on your list. If you haven't made a list yet today is the day to make one and get started on it. This list should have everything one it that you feel you need to improve on in your life. Sometimes its the small things that we think of as nothing that blocks our blessings. If you have done something and didn't apologize, if you have lied to someone, if you have done someone wrong, talked behind someone back, given someone a hard time for nothing, not being considerate of others feelings, always keeping up gossip, cheating on your spouse, sleeping with your friends partner,holding a grudge... Whatever it is you need to fix it. As one of my Great friends said " Even if its wasn't my fault, its was my job to apologize
just to fix the relationship in order to receive my blessings!" We have to humble ourselves and stop being stubborn! I hate to tell you Stubbornness won't get you into heaven!

The verse for today is Matthew 25:40 and it reads:
The King will reply, "I tell you the truth, WHATEVER you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you have done for me.

The verse says it all, we are all God's children and what we do to each other and what we say about each other we have do it to him! So think about that today. If that don't straighten you out and almost bring you to tears, you need to ask God to allow you to see your faults! I love you all, Have a beautiful day!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at: http://divas101.ning.com

Friday, March 6, 2009

Expecting a Blessing

Greetings my fellow Divas,
I come to you full of life and energy. I am expecting a great blessing from God today! Why? Because we should all wake up with some sort of expectation. We should always expect the best from our Father. When is the last time you ask the Lord to Bless YOU? Yeah I may sound a little selfish to some of you but our Father wants us to ask him for things also, instead of waiting until we are in trouble, a bill is way overdue, sickness has came upon us, or when we are facing unemployment. I've learned that when I pray, I have three prayers that I pray. I pray for each of you, my family, and I also say a special prayer for myself. I get up everyday and ask for a new blessing for that day, and guess what he delivers EVERYDAY! He never said stop asking me for blessings. You can never overdraft on blessings. God said ask and you shall receive, so that's what I do! However, as many have said, God don't Bless no Mess! So get yourself in his presence on a daily routine and get to know your
Father, build a relationship with him, don't treat him like he's your Sugar Daddy!
Just when you think every door is lock, every window has been boarded up, and there is no way out; God will come and snatch the roof off that join to get to his child. Never think for a second that he can't bless you, sometimes we have to humble ourselves in order to see the small blessings. Today I give to you Proverbs 3rd chapter to read! Yes the whole chapter. It's about the Future Benefits of Wisdom something we all need to study and attempt to perfect so we can cash in on our benefits! I pray that this message wake someone up today and start them on a new journey for Christ. If you need me I'm always here. I love you all and God Bless.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at: http://divas101.ning.com

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Be Blessed by Being a Blessing

Greetings Divas,

I pray that all have had a wonderful night and it leads into a beautiful day today. I just wanted to remind you all of how blessed you are. We are here in a sound mind and a healed body. We have more than we truly deserve. We have homeless people out living on the streets with no food, heat, nor a warm bed to sleep in. Yet we worry about our problem; when someone else situation is far greater than ours. Next time you sit down to have a pity party and begin to complain about the huge storm that showed up in your life, begin to think about those who are less fortunate than you and begin to pray for them and thank God that you are not in their position. Always remember that No matter what you are going through, God will always be there to guide you through. I pray that this message make you think about how blessed you are, even in the middle of your storm You are still Blessed! Today I give you Proverbs 19:2 This scripture is to make you think I have the power in my big mouth! Whatever I speak , I can speak it into existence. I can speak life or death over any situation that occurs in my life. I encourage each of you to go out and speak life into one person today. I challenge each of you to just walk up to at least one person and ask them can you pray for them today. Its someone out there who needs God's Work poured into their spirit on this very day. Don't be afraid to do what God has lead others to do for you. The only way to be blessed is to be a blessing. I love you all. God Bless.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at: http://divas101.ning.com

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

We got our Swagger back!!!

Good Morning My fellow Divas!!!! I am super excited and very proud of each and everyone of you that was on that call last night. You guys set aside the time to come and fellowship with your fellow Divas and the Lord showed up and showed out! We spoke about getting your Swagger Back and walking around with the confident knowing that your Father is the King of Kings. Some of us have walked around Busted and Disgusted but wants to call yourself a True Diva! My Divas are strong, beautiful, Spirit led, Mission Focused, Faith Filled, and filled with the Holy Spirit. My Divas are worth more than anything man alone can offer you. My Divas may have their weak moments but they are not afraid to call or email their fellow Diva and say "Sister I need you to pray with me and for me." My Divas don't sit and talk about it, they spring into action. We are D.I.V.A.S. We are Devoted Intellectual Virtuous Anointed Sister, and that's how we should carry ourselves! So If you didn't get your ego and your spirit boosted up last night I'm going to give you the Proverbs 31:10-31! Now if that passage don't give you your swagger back, We need to host an emergency conference call so we can have the sisters to unleash a strong prayer over your life! I pray that you all step out with confidence that your Father is taking every single step with you. He have you surrounded in his presence. Take time to worship with your Father today and thank him for the renewed spirit. Keep in touch with your sisters and get to know them so you can have that sisterhood and prayer partner. I love each and every one of you. If you ever need me I'm here. Have a Beautiful day full of Swagger!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at: http://divas101.ning.com

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Get your Swagger Back!!!

I pray that everyone is get to their destination safe and unharmed today. I have come a cross quite a few people in the past few days that really need a boost in their Spirit! Your storm is over now, however, its time to clean up the debris that the storm has left in you life. I have two scriptures that will surely help you. The first scripture is Philippians 4: 13 verse and it says "I can do all things through him who gives me strength." The next scripture is Philippians 4:19 and it reads "And my God will meet all your needs, according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." I advise each of you who have been going through a tremendous storm that has mentally, physically, and spiritually, taken a toll on you to read these scriptures. Read them as many times a day that you need to. Read them with confidence and full of Faith, and I guarantee you will have your swagger back in no time! I love you all and God Bless.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at: http://divas101.ning.com

Monday, March 2, 2009

It's March ... so Walk It Out!

Blessings to each of you on the Beautiful Monday morning. Many of us have had some trying times in the month of February but thank God we have made it into the month of March! In life we will always have stumbling block, however , you have to decide if are going to leap over it, stand and stare at it, or walk around it. However if you have enough Faith you can move a mountain. As a friend told me last night, He said face our Giant just as David did. How can you loose when you have God on your side? Some of us are in bondage of fear, sorrow, depression, financial, lust, adultery, lying, etc... but we are too afraid to step up to the plate and fight these demons off. We have already accepted defeat in our minds and begin to just let things go with the flow. Its time to fight back and release yourself from whatever bondage you are in! We are in the month of March and we need to get a hold of ourselves and Walk IT Out! We have to P.U.S.H. (pray until something happens) through the pain
and finish this race. I found this scripture this morning that just may bless your life it is Isaiah 40:29-31 verse. I pray that this message motivates you to take a stand and face your Giant, don't think about how big your giant is think about How Big our God is! I love you all. Have a Beautiful day.

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

Visit True D.I.V.A.S. at: http://divas101.ning.com