Friday, January 2, 2009

Have Courage and Trust God

I hope everyone had a safe and Happy New Year! I was blessed to share my New Year with my husband and my daughter and that was More than I could have every asked for. So many things and people have come and gone out of my life in 2008 but I still have my Family. Be thankful for the small things in life and cherish every moment for you do not know what is planned for tomorrow. Learn to Appreciate and stop taking things and people for granted. Learn to speak life into yourself as well as others! Learn to be thankful for the situations you are in now because they could be a lot worse. Praise God for just being God. Praise God for the pain that you have, and know that it is just a reminder that you are still here and able to worship him!

As I sat here,God gave me a message , however, he said it was not for you all today that it was for me. I respect that and I fully understand what it was about, however, he did give me a message to give to you. It came from Matthew 14:27-31! This message is perfect for each of you for the New year! It is about Taking Courage and Trusting God! I love you all and God Bless you on this New Day of the New Year!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

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