Saturday, June 13, 2009

You are not alone!

Yes its Saturday and I am Super Excited about my day today. I have had a rough week fighting off Satan but thank God I made it to Saturday, no matter how things went this week I was still about my Father's Business. No devil in hell will stop me from completing the task that I was put on this earth to do. That is how you should feel right now. Don't get depressed, worry, or sad. Stand up and fight back. God came up with all power and he have the power to heal any situation that you ask of him! Fall on your knees and ask for the power of the Almighty to fall upon your situation! Speak, Believe it, and watch it manifest! I love you all and I am here for each of you. Just because I don't send a message to let you know I am praying for you or thinking of you, doesn't mean that you are not in my prayers. So just know that when you are feel like your load is unbearable, you are not the only one praying for you! Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

Your True Diva,
Angela Showers

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